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Spinney Freelance

ROLE: Designer, Developer, Content Developer, Strategist

After a couple years of freelancing here and there, I decided it was finally time to make a serious move to building my own site. This would allow me to showcase to potential clients what I was actually capable of by providing a physical, live example of my work.

I wanted to make sure that I was able to appeal to a broad range of clients, so it was important that the first step of this process was to research the popularity of certain keywords. Once I found my target audience through keyword research, I developed content based on that, and didn’t even consider the design of the website until I knew how I would have the content of the site ironed out.

The next step was to design. I explored colors and fonts that had a retro, in-your-face look, but still managed to feel professional. What you see on this entire website is the end result of that. I find the combination of bold colors, especially with the use of photography work really nicely together.

Development was the next step. Using my own hand-built php framework, building this site was a breeze. Feel free to ask me about the framework if you are interested, perhaps it can be used to help you and your needs to website development.

UPDATE: Due to my own personal growth in what I’ve learned about WordPress, and the various site builders available – and the benefit it can provide for my clients, the version of the site you are looking at now is powered by WordPress.  I will still proudly support and recommend my hand-built framework, but WordPress truly is an industry standard, and I’ve grown to appreciate it.